Rowing - A great whole-body workout

If you want to workout, but have limited time, it makes sense to exercise as much of the body as possible in the time you do have!

If you fit into this category, you might like to know that, far from being the upper-body exercise many people imagine, rowing provides one of the best whole-body workouts around. In fact, it engages every major muscle group (over 80% of your body’s muscle mass), including:

  • quads

  • hamstrings

  • glutes

  • core

  • shoulders

  • triceps

  • back

  • biceps

It is also a first-rate calorie burner. Rowers can burn up to 800 calories an hour (elite rowers can get nearer to 1,200). Rowing is also a low-impact activity inasmuch as the seat absorbs one’s weight, making it a suitable and safe option in a variety of rehab situations.

Learning the basic technique is not difficult. Once you’ve mastered it and found your rhythm , you should really see some progress.

Blade 2 Rower in use.jpg
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